Why MoneyBench


We have tried many financial applications, e.g., Mint, Toshl, Spendee, etc.

Mint and similar work only for some countries (U.S., Canada, Australia, etc.), require your bank login and password, and don’t allow to create your own accounts - only synchronize existing accounts. That doesn’t make them …

A personal story in numbers

Why do you need a personal finance tool?

At a first glance, personal finances seem to be easy and well understood. People go to work every day, get paychecks every week or month, and have regular expenses on housing, food, clothes, vacations, etc. But, why so many people are unhappy …

An expat family

This is an ordinal expat or international family of four people: father John, mother Marie, and their children Katy and Zak.

John is an American businessman and has a rather small business in USA, but due to personal reasons he with his family now lives in the suburb of Paris …