Income / Expenses report

This report shows the amounts, grouped by Income or Expense types/categories for the selected period. So, you can see changes of income or expenses in time.

All total amounts are calculated in Balance Currency because Income or Expense type/category or group can have amounts with different currencies. So, if it is needed, you can change the Balance Currency (see Balance Currency for more details).

To create the Income / Expenses report, follow next steps:

  1. Click on the Reports tab: Reports tab
  2. Click on the Income/Expenses item: Income/Expenses report tab

    Note: by default, the Income / Expenses report is created for the period This month, but you can change the period later:

    Income/Expenses report
  3. Select the period, for which will be created that report: Income/Expenses report period

    In this report, you can see:

    • Income / Expenses history chart shows the total amounts of the Income / Expense transactions for each day, month or year:
      • Different shades of green show the Income transaction amounts for the Income groups;
      • Different shades of red show the Expense transaction amounts for the Expense groups.
    • Income / Expenses pie charts that show the total amounts of your income and expense transactions (at the center of the pie chart) and the distribution of transaction amounts for different groups of income and expenses for the selected period: Income/Expenses report for the year
    • The table with all amounts of income (see above) or expense (see below) types/categories and groups for the selected period: Income/Expenses table
  4. Select a Tag or several Tags, if needed, to limit the set of transactions for the report:
    • Income / Expenses history chart shows the total amounts of of your income and expense transactions for the selected period and selected tags.
    • Income / Expenses pie charts that show the total amounts of your income and expense transactions (at the center of the pie chart) and the distribution of transaction amounts for different groups of income and expenses for the selected period and selected tags: Income/Expenses report for selected tags
    • The table with amounts of income (see above) or expense (see below) types/categories and groups for the selected period and selected tags: Income/Expenses table for selected tags