Net Worth

The net worth is the difference between your assets and liabilities. If you will sell all your assets and pay off all your debts, the amount left over would be your net worth. Determining your net worth is important for financial planning because it allows you to assess your wealth and financial capacity and it should be the first step you need to take to master your finances.

Net worth was one of the first functionalities that we have implemented in MoneyBench app. Single point and historical charts allow you to assess the financial health easily if you take a responsibility to track your finances seriously. An increase in net worth is a favorable trend increasing your financial abilities, and a decrease in net worth is a reduction of your wealth and a good reason to review your financial course. You can estimate your net worth by drawing a personal balance sheet in Excel or Numbers:

Assets Jan Dec
- Cash
- Checking accounts
- Savings accounts
- Mutual funds
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Other
Market value of house/real estate
Total assets

Liabilities Jan Dec
Credit cards
Bills outstanding
Auto loans
Mortgage loans
Total liabilities

Jan Dec
Net worth (assets - liabilities)

Creating a personal balance sheet for year will help you in tracking your personal wealth over time and enable you to see relationships among the balance sheet items. Later you will be able to create a less detailed group balance sheet for several years:

Assets 2010 2017
- Cash
Market value of house/real estate
Total assets

Liabilities 2010 2017
Credit cards
Auto loans
Mortgage loans
Total liabilities

2010 2017
Net worth (assets - liabilities)

Finally, your will be able to make some charts and see some trends. It is better to use stacked bar char and draw all groups instead of one net worth line like we did in MoneyBench app because there are several ways to increase net worth:

  • Rise in the value of stocks, bonds, etc. or real estate
  • Paying off debts
  • Increasing your salary and other types of income
  • Decreasing your living expenses

While paying off debts, income and expenses directly change your financial abilities, other types of assets like securities and real estate appreciation have only a potential value.

Olga Slipchenko