Why MoneyBench


We have tried many financial applications, e.g., Mint, Toshl, Spendee, etc.

Mint and similar work only for some countries (U.S., Canada, Australia, etc.), require your bank login and password, and don’t allow to create your own accounts - only synchronize existing accounts. That doesn’t make them different from online and mobile applications provided by most banks.

Others have only mobile versions, but we need a “wider” view of our finances. I mean that it is easy to check your accounts and transactions in the bank mobile application, but I find my Mac screen better suited for charts and reports.

Probably, all the reasons above are not enough to create a new application.

We created MoneyBench because nobody cares to create a tool for people like us:

  • who have accounts in several countries in multiple currencies;

  • who have multiple sources of income and expenses related to those sources;

  • who change their lives quite frequently;

  • who need what-if analysis for tomorrow instead of knowing their yesterday and today.

We have created a laboratory for our experiments and maybe yours

Today we only collect and analyze the data, but tomorrow we will act on the data.

So, if you have any ideas how to make decisions based on data, we are glad to discuss them.

Best regards, MoneyBench Team.

Olga Slipchenko