Create an Expense transaction

To create an Expense transaction, follow next steps:

  1. Click on the Transactions tab: Transactions tab
  2. Click the New button: New transaction button
  3. In the transaction dialog:
    1. Select the Expense option: Choose Expense
    2. Fill the fields:
      • Amount is the amount to transfer from account.

        The currency of the amount will be the same as in the From Account.

        Note: See below how to enter multiple amounts for one Expense transaction.

      • Date is, by default, a current date, but you can change it by entering the date in your local date format or selecting the date from the drop-down calendar: Choose date of a new Expense transaction
      • From Account is the account from which you want to spend money.

        You can enter some digits or symbols to use the auto-complete list:

        Choose From Account of a new Expense transaction
      • Expense Type is the category from the list of Expense types/categories (see how to Add a new category or Modify a category).

        You can also use the auto-complete list:

        Choose Expense Type of a new Expense transaction

        To enter several Expense types for one transaction, click the Plus button:

        Add several Expense Types for the new Expense transaction

        Add Expense types and appropriate amounts (in the Amount field on the top, you will see the total amount): Several Expense Types for the new Expense transaction

      • Tags (Enter a Tag) is an optional field for the transaction.

        You can enter one or several tags in the Tags field, or select previously used tags from the auto-complete list. If the tag doesn’t exist and you enter a new one, it will be added to your tags list automatically after typing it and clicking Enter:

        The new Expense transaction with tags

        Note: You can use tags to search transactions like an additional filter and use them in the Income / Expenses report.

      • Description is an optional information for the transaction: Description of the new Expense transaction
    3. Click the Create button to save the current expense transaction and close the dialog: Created expense transaction

      Or, click the Copy button to save the current expense transaction and create a new one with pre-filled fields, except Amount and Description:

      Copy an expense transaction